Specialized Tax Recovery developed the first patented process for managing and improving compliance across the various forms of taxation imposed on aircraft at both the state and local levels.


Superior Insights

We are aviation professionals, licensed pilots and even former elected assessors who know how hard it is to track every aircraft. Having participated in more than 250 aircraft transactions, Specialized Tax Recovery knows the aircraft industry. We’ve seen the ways aircraft owners skirt their responsibility.

And we leverage our experience on your behalf.


Advanced Technology

We only provide aircraft we can defend. Our advanced technology ingests data from dozens of sources and allows us to view aircraft ownership holistically. Our proprietary process allows us to find aircraft that have avoided their tax liability. We do this by proving situs, nexus, and domicile. Then, we help you defend your code.

Traditional tools won’t find these aircraft. But we will.


Fair + Equitable

There will always be aircraft owners who try to skirt their tax responsibilities, and we know how they do it. Our goal, like yours, is to create uniformity through compliance. When property owners don’t pay their fair share,  it’s unfair to the honest taxpayers and the entities that rely on those tax dollars. This money belongs to your schools, cities, and communities.

Together, let’s get it back.


Made Easy

We work alongside state and local tax departments, managing and improving aviation ad valorem taxation without any added burden to their staff. We do our homework and provide you the answers you need.

And we make it easy to make contact and correct any omissions.


TL;DR: See What Specialized Tax Recovery Can Do for Your Community